Laser Aligner cutter

Home >> Laser Aligner cutter

  • LAC

    The LAC is easy to use and the integrated control system takes care of all the tasks

    Attractive and healthy teeth are among our most important beauty ideals today. For a winning and shining smile, more and more adults are undergoing aesthetic dental care.
    They have needs: Tooth correction should be as invisible and fast as possible.
    This also creates the need for increasingly efficient production solutions for dental laboratories and dental practices.
    With the LAC (Laser Aligner Cutter), it is possible for the first time to produce clear aligners that do not require any additional post-processing after cutting. This saves time and personnel resources.
    “All you have to do is remove the finished aligner – every minute.”

What makes the Laser aligner cutter (LAC) outstanding

    • icons Fully automatic cutting of thermoformed clear aligners
    • icons Cut out is less than 1 minute
    • icons Excellent cutting and edge quality
    • icons No post-processing such as polishing necessary
    • icons Work with any model
    • icons Engraving function
    • icons Compatible with all major thermoforming systems
    • icons Digital interface to the world’s best suppliers such as 3Shapes, SCHEU/CA-Digital and Dental Axess
    • icons Developed and manufactured in Salzburg, Austria


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